The Right Way to Process Hemp Fiber

There are four compounds in hemp fiber that need to be addressed: pectin, lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose. LeBlanc has developed a non-toxic way to remove both pectin and lignin using food grade enzymes. And we’ve discovered a mechanical way to dislodge the hemicellose.

The bast and hurd feed two distinct markets. Therefore it makes sense to separate them at the time of harvest and transport them to their respective customers. We’ve built a prototype of just such a workflow, a.k.a The toolChain, that’s solar powered and can be used on the farm when the hemp is harvested.

Any amount of processing during harvest adds value to the raw plant material. Our goal is to create the raw materials others make finished products with.

Fiber is the future and the future is fiber.

The fiber market is new, somewhat chaotic, and bound to expand. In addition to hemp LeBlanc has grown and processed flax in the belief that blends of the two are ideal for both papermaking and textiles.

The only way to make money with fiber crops is at scale. In other words, it takes a lot of plants to be profitable. Our working prototypes are models what a mature hemp industry will look like. We’re collecting data and populating spreadsheets as we go. Data is good, more data Is better!

Please don’t underestimate what we’re doing now. We’re only sharing the tip of the iceberg for now. Stay tuned, film at 11...

CBG + CBD Tincture

Crafted with organically grown hemp flowers, this tincture is infused in organic kosher vegetable glycerin, from New Moon to Full Moon. Made with the whole plant, not isolate or distillate, for a full-spectrum experience.

Hemp Topical Root Oil

Formulated with organic hemp roots, this oil is designed to help relieve aches, pains, itches, and sprains. Rich in two powerful triterpenoids, hemp roots have been used for centuries by the Romans and Chinese as a soothing poultice.


Our bitters are crafted to support and strengthen your immune system. Turmeric Bitters is our original blend, known for its powerful properties. Bees & Trees combines spruce tips, juniper berries, and bee propolis for a unique, immune-boosting formula.

Hemp Paper, Textiles & Fiber

Our R&D initiatives focus on innovative hemp applications, including hemp-based paper, paper-mâché, textiles, bioplastics, and more. Additionally, we are developing a comprehensive suite of hemp agronomic software.